Saturday, April 11, 2009

Letting your neighbor love back

Well, today was one of those days. Fun start. Miriam, Sarah, and I went to an Easter egg hunt in the morning. Miriam being in the older end of her age bracket, finished up quite well after two minutes or so of gathering eggs and candy. This was a classy Easter egg hunt. CHOCOLATE candy in the eggs! Fruit gummies and big suckers were on the ground as well.

When we returned home, we noticed that the ground in the front yard felt a little squishy. There was a significant puddle of water that hugged the curb all in front of our lot. The squishy pathway seemed to lead to the water shut-off valve. There I found water up to the brim. My shut-off valve overfloweth. Then the choice: Do I get angry and upset, or do I see this as something that happens in life? By the grace of God, I chose plan B. We called the plumber and found out that a broken water main is expensive to fix. Then I discovered if I could dig the line myself, I could save a lot of money.

Next two guys on my street asked about the situation. I explained that I may be having a DIG party. One offered to help whenever that happens (I still need to get the utility companies to come mark the lines.) The other offered his truck if we needed to get a Ditch Witch.

Before the plumber got there, I was reading Jesus' response to the test of the most important commandments. As you know, Jesus passed! I am reminded today that loving our neighbor is the fabric that holds a disconnected world together. I believe ultimately spirituality is built and fulfilled in community (that is borrowed line from a book called The Spirituality of Imperfection). I am excited to get some help on digging and living in the Kingdom.

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